Welcome to A.-t-'s Gallery - one of the most talented scene graphicians.Originally from Atari scene, this graphican
proves that you don't have to redraw or copy to produce fantastic scene art.
All images were selected and provided by the author.Enjoy!
nr. | image |
1 | Fridel |
2 | Me_pseud |
3 | subwater6 |
4 | weeping |
nr. | image |
1 | 32cols |
2 | augen3 |
3 | coolacf |
4 | creamet2 |
5 | death |
6 | dementia |
7 | drachen4 |
8 | enddrag |
9 | flowers5 |
10 | fly7 |
11 | gott4 |
12 | imort2_7 |
13 | jackbal3 |
14 | onkelz3 |
15 | psycho |
16 | specneu |
17 | textcoca |
18 | vincente |
19 | wand3 |
20 | way2 |
demantia ...jep, this Logo was for the first Falcon-demo from AVENA...
The LOGO ist 16 Color only, I paint it completly on my old ST...the backround is
digitized on Falcon (yes, it┤s myself =)....) than I put it together on an Amiga
(coz┤ it didn┤t exist a usable paintprogram for Falcon this time(think around 94))...
Specneu...is my first 32colors picture (think around 92)
flowers5....arg, my first and last Boris V. copy...my third Amigapicture...I made
this for the 68X-convention in hamburg ...but lose...
fly7....I belive it┤s my second Amigapic...it scrolls up┤n┤down in an demo...
enddrag...my last AMIGApic
jackball...logo for a never released game...16 colors but made on amiga
psycho42....my second falconpicture, it┤s painted from a selfmade foto...this time
I was serching for a different style (after the "I copy everything from Boris V
." periode...), I only use 32 greyscales to be
vincente2 ...aarg, my first Falconpicture, dragon & people copyed from Vicente Segrell,
rest my own...it was great to make the step from 16/32 colors to 65000 =)...
for example in the old day┤s I only can use a few greyscales for a knight but
now I can use any color I like =)...thats cool for more organic optic....but no
more lame fantasycopys afte
All images are copyright ⌐ by their original authors.